
STEINBAUER Tesla Model S 85 P85 Performance Tuning Box


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Product Overview

World's First EV Power Performance Tuning Module!

There is no substitute for quality.

For 85:

Original 362 BHP  325lb·ft
STEINBAUER 409 BHP  369lb·ft

For P85:

Original 416 BHP 443 lb·ft
STEINBAUER 499 BHP 583 lb·ft

*The long range and performance has the similar battery/motor combo.

There are limitation with the electric systems, the long range having less performance we can increase up to similar power/torque (+15%).

The performance version is near top of its capability that’s why we do not increase this any further it’s possible to increase by a very small amount.

The big benefit along with the addition power is the 50% extra battery regeneration upon braking, this assists with extra range.

We are the engine additional performance electronic specialists.
Choose the brand that you can trust. Choose STEINBAUER.

If you are looking for a quality product, that has been tried, tested and sold worldwide - then there is only one. STEINBAUER has been producing additional performance electronics for over 15 years, we develop, test and manufacture every product in our range. Quite simply there is no substitute for quality.

  • tested & sold worldwide, operating in all climates & conditions
  • robust constriction, dust, moisture and vibration resistant
  • no interference to existing vehicle parts - service intervals remain unchanged.
  • quality European engineering and components
  • easy installation
  • backed by a worldwide support network
  • 3 year warranty


Compatible With:

TESLA Model S 85 85kWh 362BHP

TESLA Model S P85 85kWh 416BHP




We stand behind the product we sell.

We are so confident with our quality that when you purchase one of our products, we include a full 1 year replacement warranty.* By simply registering your purchase with us, we will upgrade this to a 3 year warranty - for free!

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Simply fill in our on-line registration and we confirm via email and send you your certificate of warranty.

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