
STEINBAUER Tesla Model 3 Long Range AWD Performance Tuning Box


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Product Overview

World's First EV Power Performance Tuning Module!

up to 506BHP and 570Nm!*

The Steinbauer power tuning module is the world first tuning solution for the electric vehicle!

It is now available for the TESLA Model 3 Long Range AWD EV. Increase power and torque with the simple plug-in Steinbauer unit!

During R&D Steinbauer recorded a power increase of 64kw and 97Nm from stock!

Unlike other items that change signals in the system already (like activating a higher mode), the Steinbauer unit controls the electric motor directly. This means the Steinbauer module is unaffected by TESLA updates and cannot be disabled/blocked by Tesla factory.


*The long range and performance has the similar battery/motor combo.

There are limitation with the electric systems, the long range having less performance we can increase up to similar power/torque (+15%).

The performance version is near top of its capability that’s why we do not increase this any further it’s possible to increase by a very small amount.

The big benefit along with the addition power is the 50% extra battery regeneration upon braking, this assists with extra range.


  • More power and torque - Better Acceleration & Dynamics
  • Improved braking performance - 100% Regenerative Braking - Less Brake Wear
  • 45 Minute Installation - Non-invasive plug & play setup
  • Warm up your battery faster - Module offers this extra feature 90D
  • Extensive testing & Development - in house on Steinbauer company EV Vehicles
  • Manufactured in Austria - At Steinbauer HQ
  • 3 Year Warranty** - With online product registration
  • OEM Quality - Top quality of the automotive industry

Please select the correct module for your car year and model.

Compatible With:

TESLA Model 3 Long Range AWD






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