Dear Customers, we hope you are all well during this special time.
We understand that many of you are uncertain about a lot of things at the moment, rest assured that at SSDD Motor Sport we are doing everything we can to make sure our daily operatiions are run as normal as possible.
As courier and government restrictions change often, you might experience some delays in receiving your order. We might experience delays in receiving new stock from our supplier in the UK and from abroad due to travel and freight restrictions. However we will make sure you are contacted at once if there is any chance to the arrival date to have your order fulfilled as soon as possible.
We want to thank you again for your continued support, this allows many of our fantastic staff to keep working and we really thank you from the bottom our our hearts.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and enjoy your festive season in the best possible and the safetest way you can.
Our Holiday Opening Hours:
24th to 27th December 2020
28th of December 10am-3pm
29th-31st of December 9:30am-4pm
Kind Regards
Teddy Hsu
Director of SSDD MotorSport